HOST Terminal has instilled a culture of safety into all staff from the very first day onward. This culture promotes continuous improvement through awareness and risk reduction. Our first rule for all operations is “Safety First, Load Second”.

Management Commitment

Managers throughout HOST are responsible for identifying and managing risks associated with the health and safety of employees, the impact of our operation on the natural environment and the protection of HOST’s tangible and intangible assets.


HOST believes in person direct communication among people across the company raises awareness of health, safety and environmental challenges.

Staff Recruitment, Training & Development

HOST’s commitment to providing its employees a safe and healthy work environment is a primary factor in attracting and retaining all staff. HOST is proud to have established a culture where on-going safety training is part of HOST’s business model.

To evaluate and manage risks in our operations, HOST maintains an effective communications system to ensure all relevant information is kept current and is distributed throughout the organization to reduce the risks to health, safety and the environment.
HOST has built into its main system HOSTess, a system which tracks all incidents and is used for management to evaluate any improvements it can make to prevent future incidents.
Periodic review and measurement of Health, Safety and Environment systems and compliance is critical in helping HOST identify unmanaged risks in our operations. The systems effectiveness is determined by measuring a combination of leading and lagging indicators.
HOST strives to operate in a safe and responsible manner, minimizing its impact on the environment. Environmental harm is preventable through good communication, using the tools in our Management Systems, engaging all personnel in preplanning of every task and maintaining a continual focus on the task at hand at all times.